THAT'S A NEGATIVE. "This internet urban myth is extremely frustrating", says Women's Health Magazine Australia expert, Ginni Mansberg. "There's no evidence at all of any link between anti-perspirants and cancer (especially breast cancer)."
So where did all of this come from? Nasty parabens have been demonised by naysayers for a while now and I have to say that I cringe when I see them in product ingredient lists....they are in so many! If I can avoid them I do. But the experts tell us that parabens in anti-perspirants have never been linked to cancers. Sweating comes from our SWEAT GLANDS, people, not from our LYMPH GLANDS....BIG difference. These glands are not even connected. And you don't get cancer of the Sweat glands.
Who can blame you to err on the side of caution these days, but remember, it's the parabens you're getting all hot & sweaty (and stinky) about, so if you turf out your anti-perspirant because of them, best you look at what else they're lurking in, hiding in wait in your bathroom cabinet!
check out your beauty spot:.paulak
This info is really helpful. Thanks for sharing once again, Paula.